Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAliasUnitAn unit with relation to another unit
 CAliasUnit_CompositeA subunit in a CompositeUnit
 CArgumentA mathematical function argument definition with free value and base class for all argument definitions
 CArgumentSetA set of accepted arguments
 CAssumptionsAn assumption about an unknown mathematical value
 CBinaryPrefixA binary prefix
 CBooleanArgumentA boolean argument
 CCalculatorThe almighty calculator class
 CCalculatorMessageA message with information to the user. Primarily used for errors and warnings
 CCompositeUnitA unit consisting of a number of other units
 CDataObjectA a data set object
 CDataObjectArgumentData object function argument
 CDataPropertyA data set property
 CDataPropertyArgumentData property function argument
 CDataSetA data set
 CDateArgumentA date argument
 CDecimalPrefixA decimal (metric) prefix
 CDynamicVariableAbstract base class for variables with a value which is recalculated when the precision has changed
 CEvaluationOptionsOptions for calculation
 CExpressionItemAbstract base class for functions, variables and units
 CExpressionItemArgumentArgument for functions, variables and units
 CExpressionNameA name for an expression item (function, variable or unit)
 CFunctionArgumentA function argument
 CIntegerArgumentA definition for integer arguments
 CKnownVariableA variable with a known value
 CMathFunctionAbstract base class for mathematical functions
 CMathStructureA structure representing a mathematical value/expression/result
 CMatrixArgumentA matrix argument
 CNumberA number
 CNumberArgumentA definition for numerical arguments
 CNumberPrefixA prefix with a free numerical value
 CParseOptionsOptions for parsing expressions
 CPlotDataParametersParameters for plot data series
 CPlotParametersParameters passed to plotting functions
 CPrefixAbstract class for prefixes
 CPrintOptionsOptions for formatting and display of mathematical structures/results
 CSortOptionsOptions for ordering the parts of a mathematical expression/result before display
 CSymbolicArgumentA symbolic argument
 CTextArgumentA text argument
 CUnitA unit for measurement
 CUnknownVariableA variable with unknown value
 CUserFunctionA user defined mathematical function
 CVariableAbstract base class for variables
 CVectorArgumentA vector argument