This is the complete list of members for DecimalPrefix, including all inherited members.
DecimalPrefix(int exp10, string long_name, string short_name="", string unicode_name="") | DecimalPrefix | |
exp (defined in DecimalPrefix) | DecimalPrefix | protected |
exponent(int iexp=1) const | DecimalPrefix | |
exponent(const Number &nexp) const | DecimalPrefix | |
l_name (defined in Prefix) | Prefix | protected |
longName(bool return_short_if_no_long=true, bool use_unicode=false) const | Prefix | |
name(bool short_default=true, bool use_unicode=false, bool(*can_display_unicode_string_function)(const char *, void *)=NULL, void *can_display_unicode_string_arg=NULL) const | Prefix | |
Prefix(string long_name, string short_name="", string unicode_name="") | Prefix | |
s_name (defined in Prefix) | Prefix | protected |
setExponent(int iexp) | DecimalPrefix | |
setLongName(string long_name) | Prefix | |
setShortName(string short_name) | Prefix | |
setUnicodeName(string unicode_name) | Prefix | |
shortName(bool return_long_if_no_short=true, bool use_unicode=false) const | Prefix | |
type() const | DecimalPrefix | virtual |
u_name (defined in Prefix) | Prefix | protected |
unicodeName(bool return_short_if_no_uni=true) const | Prefix | |
value(const Number &nexp) const | DecimalPrefix | virtual |
value(int iexp) const | DecimalPrefix | virtual |
value() const | DecimalPrefix | virtual |
~DecimalPrefix() (defined in DecimalPrefix) | DecimalPrefix | |
~Prefix() (defined in Prefix) | Prefix | virtual |